Week 8 ‘RSVP’ Halprin

Blog written:  Saturday 25th March 2017

We understood the 4 elements of RSVP:

R- Resources/ basic materials, S- Scores/ delineate place/ space/time/people, V- Valuaction/ analysis/ appreciation/ feedback, P- Performance/implements score/style of piece. RSVP cycles are essential in creative process’ they produce a forma of flexible spin and how it contains and responds to shifting internal elements. It allows large groups to enter the score, giving everyone the opportunity  to participate.

What is the point in a score?- It gives us limitations and enhances our explorative mindset of  what we have to work with and how we use it. Class contribution towards a scores definition, a score helps structure/give guidance/ supports creativity and exploration. My personal definition, A score is the structure of instructions and rules that open to interpretations, setting limits and boundaries.

My views on Charlie and Karen’s piece, they produced clear developments of movement repetition, the juxtaposition of Karens jumps went against Charlie’s interior movement which caused an aesthetic feel of curiosity.

We were split into groups to undertake a set task, my group had the task of imagining a dance in the mind with closed eyes lasting 3 minutes, then writing the imagined dance on paper for 5 minutes. Using the skills we had learnt from this exercise and linking past weeks into consideration about awareness, we created a new score lasting 15 minutes.


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