Week 9- Week before assessment!

Blog written: Sunday 2nd April 2017

Creating a focus and learning outcome for the week before assessment, analysing how I want to use the session to inform and encourage my improvised material, my intention was to be fully engaged throughout and contribute as much as possible, exploring for myself, taking advantage of the comfort of an open score.
Exploring an open score using new movement influences each week has been extremely helpful to my learning, we performed the scores which were noted from the previous week back to each other. My group had the task of enhancing stillness, we had rules such as; not standing in the same place twice, using a different gesture each time, the length of this task being to Elvis Presley’s ‘Jailhouse Rock’ containing focus was experimental as I personally wanted to move with the music however I had to distract myself from music being an influence as to when I moved.
We explored the task ‘lucky dip’ I enjoyed this thoroughly, using well know pop and R&B music with the dynamic of flow, with 7 dancers, lasting 5 minutes. I had never realised how much music gives influence to movement it gives movement a straight opinion and interpretation rather than questioning it.
A common main point was raised for myself with focusing on the audience and how movement is made for audience rather than movement being made for movement or for the specific dancer. The reading influenced this through p60-67.
I was recalling the feedback given to me from formative assessment week 7, I gave myself an awareness to other bodies, space, and own engagement. I now reflect on how the process has been for me and I feel I have grown so much and struggled through my nerves and confidence which I felt at the beginning of this module.

The Audience/Improviser Relationship in Landscape of the Now by Kent de Spain, pages 60-67

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