Week 3 ‘Intention, attention and awareness’

We started the session by discussing this week’s readings, we discovered the resources and skills the practitioners have, Anna Halprin has a clear awareness of the body, she generates focus which leads to new movement, she investigates her battle through cancer and uses this experience to her advantage, the five stages of healing p37. Deborah Hay, explores pathways and directions, also how the score affects the dancer’s actions, and always keeping her dancers engaged. Steve Paxton discovers the plan of the life, expecting the unexpected through the use of contact improvisation. We huddled together, closing our eyes and were told to stand and say your name however not to overlap one another, we also had the task of counting to 13 without over speaking one another, sat apart from one another in the space, with the eyes closed, sensing when someone would speak, we attempted many times. We explored the idea of intention, attention and awareness, 3v2. Standing in a line, three people had to be squatting and two standing at all times, with only using the peripheral vision. We then had to focus on three people being forward and two back, keeping the awareness of yourself and the other bodies. Developing on from this we used improvised movement, recalling the 3v2 so the trio had to be forwards and the duet backwards. We took the tasks in turns with everyone at the session, we had to be extra engaged as there was only 10 of us dancing so the focus was energised. We developed this further by improvising as a collective group, having only one of each, solo, duet, trio and quartet at one time, the space not to be empty at any time, giving support one another with this task. Improv Jam- we related our focus on intention, attention and awareness, partner starting on the floor, developing the mirror image, not showing who was leading, had to be synchronized, I feel that I was not 100% engaged throughout this exercise as I worked with Charlie, and giggled on a few occasions, exploring from the floor to sitting, to kneeling, to standing. I found this exercise challenging because pf my engagement and focus, I also struggled to go with the movement as I was thinking about it too much. We changed partners and worked on progressing our movement vocabulary by using the words ‘change, develop and continue’ I let myself go in this exercise of the jam and truly enjoyed it, I was engaged throughout the exercise. My feedback- I stemmed on from my habitual movement and totally went against it. “You explored well, showing versatility, not recognisable as not using habitual movement” I have taken this feedback on board and will continue this throughout my process.

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